Home SECURITY & DEFENCE ATACMS Missiles Take out Russian Air Defences in Occupied Crimea

ATACMS Missiles Take out Russian Air Defences in Occupied Crimea

by EUToday Correspondents
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Russia has announced that it will retaliate against the United States following Ukraine’s deployment of American-made ATACMS missiles in an attack on Crimea.

The incident, in which it is reported that 3 S-300/400 surface-to-air missile launchers and a radar were destroyed or damaged, has further strained the already tense relations between Moscow and Washington, adding a new layer of complexity to the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe.

The missile attack targeted key strategic points in Crimea, a region illegally annexed by Russia in 2014 but internationally recognised as part of Ukraine.

This strike marks a significant escalation in the conflict, as it is one of the first confirmed uses of ATACMS missiles by Ukrainian forces. These missiles, provided by the US, have a longer range and greater precision than many other weapons in Ukraine’s arsenal, allowing them to strike deeper into territory held by Russian forces.

The Russian government swiftly condemned the attack, labeling it as a provocative act orchestrated by the United States. A spokesperson for the Kremlin stated that such actions would not go unanswered, implying that Russia would take measures to respond to what it perceives as direct US involvement in the conflict.

The exact nature of Russia’s planned retaliation was not specified, but officials indicated that it could involve a range of military, economic, and diplomatic actions.

In Washington, officials defended the provision of ATACMS missiles to Ukraine, arguing that the assistance is part of a broader effort to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression.

They emphasized that the weapons are intended for defensive purposes and to help Ukraine protect itself from further incursions. The US has consistently stated that its support for Ukraine is aimed at ensuring the country’s ability to defend its borders and maintain its independence.

The international community has expressed concern over the escalating situation.

NATO allies have reiterated their support for Ukraine, while urging both sides to exercise restraint to avoid a broader conflict. The European Union has called for a diplomatic resolution and stressed the importance of dialogue to address the underlying issues. Meanwhile, countries such as China and India have urged for a peaceful settlement and have warned against actions that could lead to further instability in the region.

The use of ATACMS missiles by Ukraine represents a significant development in the military dynamics of the conflict.

These missiles, with their extended range and precision, provide Ukrainian forces with new capabilities that could alter the balance of power on the battlefield. Military analysts suggest that this could compel Russia to reconsider its strategy and potentially escalate its military response to counter this new threat.

The conflict in Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014, following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the subsequent war in the Donbas region. The fighting has resulted in thousands of deaths and displaced millions, with no clear end in sight. Efforts to reach a lasting peace agreement have repeatedly stalled, and the situation remains volatile.

The recent missile attack and the promise of Russian retaliation underscore the fragility of the situation.

Both Russia and the US are now faced with critical decisions that could either exacerbate the conflict or pave the way for renewed efforts at negotiation. The international community is closely watching how both nations will navigate this latest crisis, with hopes that a path to de-escalation can be found.

The use of the American-supplied ATACMS missiles by Ukraine and Russia’s vow to retaliate adds to the uncertainty and risk surrounding the conflict, further highlighting the urgent need for diplomatic efforts to prevent further escalation and promote a peaceful resolution.



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Russian Propaganda in Western Media: A Case Study from Crimea - https://eutoday.net June 30, 2024 - 11:25 am

[…] ATACMS Missiles Take out Russian Air Defences in Occupied Crimea […]


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