Home MOREBUSINESS & ECONOMY European Council adopts renewal of temporary trade liberalisation measures for Moldova

European Council adopts renewal of temporary trade liberalisation measures for Moldova

by gary cartwright
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The European Union Council has adopted the renewal of temporary trade liberalisation measures for the Republic of Moldova. The decision was taken at the Council’s meeting on 28 February 2020.

The measures, which were first introduced in 2016, allow for the duty-free import of certain products from Moldova into the EU. They are due to expire on 31 December 2020.

“The renewal and expansion of the measures aim to ensure that the existing trade flows from Moldova to the EU can continue, which will support Moldova’s economy. This is particularly important, given Russia’s continued military aggression against Ukraine and the ongoing impact on Moldova, and considering that Moldova was granted EU candidate status in June 2022.” –  Héctor Gómez Hernández, Industry, Trade and Tourism Minister of Spain

The renewal of the measures will provide much-needed support to Moldova’s economy, which has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also help to maintain Moldova’s close economic ties with the EU.

The measures are part of the EU’s wider support for Moldova’s reform efforts. The EU is Moldova’s largest trading partner, and the country has been working to deepen its economic and political ties with the EU in recent years.


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