Home POLITICS European Greens hold Leadership Council with a strong eye on 2024 Euro elections

European Greens hold Leadership Council with a strong eye on 2024 Euro elections

by EUToday Correspondents
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European Greens
The European Greens held their Green Leadership Council this week, a chance for Green Party leaders from all over Europe to “sharpen their common vision and plan” for the upcoming European elections.

The European Greens, in the elections in 2024, hope to build on electoral gains in the last Euro poll and subsequent national elections.

After the meeting on Thursday, European Green Party co-chairs Mélanie Vogel and Thomas Waitz (pictured) issued a statement.

It reiterated  “condemnation of the horrific terrorist attacks committed by Hamas in the strongest way possible and our call for the immediate and unconditional release of hostages.”

It went on:  “We call for the respect of international humanitarian law. Every diplomatic effort must be deployed to stop the circle of violence and a wider conflagration. And the EU must contribute to relaunching a credible peace process towards a two-state solution based on agreed and secure borders.

“The humanitarian situation in Gaza is catastrophic. A humanitarian ceasefire is necessary to protect civilian lives and ensure humanitarian aid can flow.

“We are alarmed by the recent rise of antisemitic acts across Europe. We call on all democratic actors to stand up against antisemitism and all forms of hatred.

We reiterate our support to the people of Ukraine fighting for a free democratic society and our shared European values. It is our historical and moral duty to continue supporting the Ukrainian resistance and deliver on the accession promise made to Ukraine.”

Away from conflict, it added, “We repeat our commitment to campaign for a strong social Europe. Across the EU, the rising cost of living is pushing people into poverty and insecurity.

“Young people in situations of precarity are especially at risk of falling into the poverty trap. War, food speculation and extreme weather events are the chief causes of growing hunger and energy poverty. We fight for a Europe where no one has to choose between heating or eating.

“Renovated homes, affordable public transport and renewable energy: the green transition is the way out of this dire situation and towards social justice. It is the only path leading to an economic model that provides for all, where everyone can live a dignified life on a healthy planet.”

It said the Green success in 2019 paved the way for the European Green Deal, adding, “Our elected representatives have relentlessly worked to keep it alive, faced with attacks like the attempt to scrap the Nature Restoration Law by alliance of conservatives, part of the liberals, and the far-right.”

Looking ahead, it goes on, “In the months and years to come, Greens will be instrumental in ensuring that the next European majority goes further, introducing a Green and Social Deal that protects the climate and the environment, ensures everyone’s access to the essentials, and creates quality jobs with decent pay.

“However, a backlash against green policies is growing, pushed by a cynical alliance of supporters of the status quo. The normalization of the far right by mainstream political forces, especially the European People’s Party who are collaborating with them directly and indirectly more and more often, puts the entire EU project in danger.

“The current crises will only be solved if the next European majority puts climate ambition, social justice and protection of fundamental rights and democracy at the centre of the EU’s work.

“This is what the Greens are fighting for tirelessly.”

“The election results of the Greens and progressives in Spain and Poland have sent a very strong and powerful message to the citizens of Europe: we Greens are fighting and will continue to fight to protect climate policies and personal freedoms against the conservatives and far-right who want to dismantle them.

“Our fight was successful in Spain and Poland thanks to the mobilisation of citizens. By going to the polls and voting, every European citizen has the opportunity to influence the course of history. The Dutch general election on 22 November 2023 is the next step in this process, and we wish GroenLinks-PvdA all the best.

“The European Greens are a broad and growing force that represents hope. Our family is expanding and we will be able to change Europe for the better. We are determined and we are ready. United, we will stand up for a better and brighter Europe.”

Click here for more on the European Greens at EU Today

Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/europeangreens/52386782272/ via Wikipedia



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