Home POLITICSEuropean Elections 2024 Orban, Babiš, and Kickl Form New Right-Wing Bloc in European Parliament

Orban, Babiš, and Kickl Form New Right-Wing Bloc in European Parliament

by EUToday Correspondents
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Orban, Babiš, and Kickl Form New Right-Wing Bloc in European Parliament

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the leader of Austria’s far-right Freedom Party Herbert Kickl, and former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš announced the formation of a new right-wing group in the European Parliament on Sunday, 30 June 2024.

Orban, Babiš, and Kickl signed a “Patriotic Manifesto for the Future of Europe,” declaring that the European Union has “turned against Europeans and now represents interests contrary to the will of nations, regions, and small communities.”

At a press conference, Orban stated that a “new era” would begin after the European Parliament elections on 9 June. He emphasised the coalition’s commitment to creating the strongest right-wing group in Europe, stating, “The strongest Austrian, Hungarian, and Czech right-wing forces now sit before you.”

Orban referred to his Fidesz party, Austria’s Freedom Party, and the ANO party of Czech ex-premier Andrej Babiš, all of which secured victories in their respective European elections.

The announcement from the three politicians was not entirely unexpected, as Babiš had previously announced his intention to form his own Eurogroup earlier in the week. Meanwhile, Fidesz had been negotiating for some time about joining the soft Eurosceptic “European Conservatives and Reformists” group, led by Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

European Parliament factions are required to declare their names and compositions by 15 July. Each faction must include at least 23 MEPs from a minimum of seven EU countries. Therefore, the alliance of Orban, Babiš, and Kickl still needs to secure support from MEPs from at least four more EU countries to formalise their group.

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