Home FEATURED Orbán Relents: Ukraine to Receive Additional €50 Billion

Orbán Relents: Ukraine to Receive Additional €50 Billion

by EUToday Correspondents
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Hungarian Protests
In a significant move, the leaders of the European Union – including Viktor Orbán – reached an agreement on Thursday to allocate macro-financial assistance to Ukraine, amounting to €50 billion – the decision received unanimous support from all 27 EU member states.

The announcement, reported by European Truth with a reference to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, marks a crucial step in providing stable, long-term, and predictable financing for Ukraine.

Michel emphasized that the decision demonstrates the EU’s commitment to taking a leadership role and responsibility in supporting Ukraine, recognizing the stakes involved.

President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, expressed gratitude to Michel and the EU leaders for their assistance.

He underscored the importance of the unanimous decision, stating that it once again proves the powerful unity of the European Union.

Zelensky highlighted that the continuation of EU financial support for Ukraine would strengthen the country’s long-term economic and financial stability, which is equally vital as military assistance and sanctions pressure on Russia.

The breakthrough in negotiations comes as a relief to many, signaling a united front among EU member states in supporting Ukraine.

The allocation of this substantial financial aid package is expected to provide crucial support to Ukraine amidst ongoing geopolitical tensions.

President Michel’s statement underscores the EU’s commitment to upholding stability and security in the region.

With Ukraine facing significant challenges, including military aggression from Russia and internal political pressures, the EU’s unwavering support is vital for its continued resilience and development.

According to media reports, EU leaders are considering incorporating the idea of annual discussions on the planned €50 billion aid package for Ukraine into the EU summit decisions.

This proposal aims to secure Hungary’s support for the allocation of funds.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán suggested a compromise deal to unblock EU funding for Ukraine, suggesting that Ukraine’s funding would be subject to an annual review to decide whether to continue sending the money.

Effectively, this implies the possibility for Hungary to annually block the assistance.

Ahead of the summit, EU leaders expressed confidence that a compromise on unlocking the €50 billion in funding for Ukraine would be reached among all 27 EU countries.

The unanimous decision signals a collective commitment to supporting Ukraine and addressing its financial needs amid the ongoing geopolitical challenges.

The approval of this substantial financial aid package marks a pivotal moment in EU-Ukraine relations, demonstrating the bloc’s solidarity and commitment to the economic well-being and stability of its Eastern neighbor.

The agreement is expected to have far-reaching implications for Ukraine’s economic development and its ability to navigate complex geopolitical dynamics.

As the details of the aid package are finalized, it remains to be seen how Ukraine will utilize this substantial financial assistance to address its pressing needs and advance its long-term economic and social development.

However, one thing is clear: with the unanimous support of all 27 member states, the EU has reaffirmed its solidarity with Ukraine and its commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region.



Read also: EU Extends Trade Support for Ukraine & Moldova Amidst Ongoing Challenges

The European Union has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Ukraine and Moldova by proposing trade support through the renewal of the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian exports to the EU for another year.


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