Home FEATURED Conservatives Discuss Possible Replacement of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Following Local Elections in May

Conservatives Discuss Possible Replacement of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Following Local Elections in May

by EUToday Correspondents
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Polls Predict Unprecedented Defeat for Sunak’s Conservatives in Upcoming UK Elections

The Conservative Party is reportedly contemplating the possibility of replacing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and forming a unity government led by the House of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt after the local elections scheduled for May 2nd, 2024.

According to reports from Bloomberg, citing informed sources, this consideration arises amidst concerns within the party regarding potential significant losses in local councils and mayoralties, against the backdrop of polls indicating a substantial defeat for the party in the upcoming parliamentary elections later this year.

Moderate members of the Conservative Party have devised a contingency plan, dubbed as an unlikely scenario, to establish a “unity” government comprising moderates, conservatives, and prospective prime ministerial candidates, as outlined in the material.

With the ruling party sensing an inevitable defeat to the opposition Labour Party led by Keir Starmer in the parliamentary elections, some within the Conservative ranks believe that a leadership change presents their sole opportunity to salvage the situation, sources suggest.

One idea, as reported by Bloomberg, revolves around Penny Mordaunt, who has twice contested the prime ministerial position, potentially leading the Conservatives to victory in the elections, leveraging her experience, particularly in defense matters.

The local elections will see the election of over 2,500 council members, as well as the Mayor of London and a range of regional mayors.

If the Conservatives lose two of their mayors, as well as several hundred local councillors, it would precipitate a crisis for Sunak, opine parliamentarians from the ruling party, with whom the agency has communicated.

Earlier reports indicated that the Conservative Party of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is poised for a significant defeat in the national elections anticipated later this year.

The YouGov model, which forecasts seat distribution in parliament based on estimated vote shares, predicts that Sunak’s Conservatives will secure only 155 seats, while Labour is slated to clinch 403 seats. The British Parliament comprises 650 seats.

It is worth recalling that Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak ruled out parliamentary elections on May 2nd, stating that they would occur later this year.

According to media reports, some ministers in the United Kingdom government are engaging in private discussions regarding the possibility of replacing Prime Minister Sunak before the parliamentary elections.

However, as of now, it appears that none of the potential contenders commands sufficient support.

The outcome of the upcoming local elections and subsequent political developments will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of British politics, possibly heralding significant changes in leadership and governance.

Main Image: Simon Walker / HM Treasury / Open Government Licence v3.0

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