MEPs have urged EU Member States to add sexual and reproductive healthcare and the right to a safe and legal abortion to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
In a resolution adopted on Thursday MEPs said they want to enshrine the right to abortion in the EU charter of fundamental rights.
MEPs condemned the “backsliding” on women’s rights and all attempts to restrict or remove existing protections for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender equality taking place globally, including in the EU member states.
They want Article 3 of the Charter to be amended to state that “everyone has the right to bodily autonomy, to free, informed, full and universal access to SRHR, and to all related healthcare services without discrimination, including access to safe and legal abortion”.
Comment came from Fred Matić MEP (pictured) the European Parliament’s rapporteur on sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights in the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality committee.
On Thursday, he said: “The right to legal and safe abortion must be carved into stone to be better protected against the far right’s relentless attempts to undermine and revoke them.
“It is unacceptable that there are still Member States in our Union that continuously deny their own responsibility in ensuring access to abortion.
“At the same time, the Council and the Commission are constantly hiding behind the poor argument of national competences. The lack of EU standardisation in this area leads to the criminalisation of abortion, grave limitations in accessing it and clandestine abortion procedures.
“However, today I am very proud because we once again confirmed a clear progressive majority in this house standing on the side of women’s rights.”
The MEP said, “It is not acceptable that, in the 21st century, some of our colleagues in the Parliament treat women as second-class citizens and actively work on revoking their rights.
“We need to ensure, promote and protect women’s rights, including their right to healthcare and abortion, and today’s vote is one of the first steps in that direction.”
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