Home FEATURED Just how cosy is the relationship between Victor Orbán and Vladimir Putin?

Just how cosy is the relationship between Victor Orbán and Vladimir Putin?

by gary cartwright
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Victor Orbán Vladimir Putin

Victor Orbán’s relationship with Vladimir Putin has been a subject of both scrutiny and speculation, given the complex dynamics between Hungary and Russia.

As the Prime Minister of Hungary, Orbán has navigated a delicate balancing act between maintaining his relationship with EU whist cultivating a bilateral strategic partnership with Russia under Putin’s leadership.

This relationship is rooted in historical, economic, and geopolitical considerations, and it has serious implications for Hungary’s position within the EU.

Orbán and Putin’s relationship is often traced back to Hungary’s historical ties with Russia.

Hungary was part of the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War, and its relationship with the Soviet Union was characterised by political and economic dependency.

The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union provided an opportunity for Hungary to redefine its foreign policy, seeking closer integration with Western institutions like the EU and NATO.

However, Orbán’s Fidesz party, since coming to power in 2010, has pursued a more pragmatic approach, emphasising economic interests and sovereignty.

One key aspect of Orbán’s relationship with Putin is their shared skepticism toward certain aspects of Western liberal democracy.

Both leaders have been critical of what they perceive as interference from Western powers in their domestic affairs, and they champion a form of national conservatism that prioritises traditional values and strong central leadership.

This ideological alignment has contributed to a degree of mutual understanding between Hungary and Russia, although it falls short of complete ideological convergence.

Economic considerations play a significant role in shaping Orbán’s approach to Russia.

Hungary, like many other European countries, is dependent on energy imports, and Russia is a major supplier of natural gas to the region.

Orbán has sought to leverage Hungary’s energy needs to secure favorable economic deals with Russia. This has led to the construction of the Paks II nuclear power plant, a project funded and built by Russia in Hungary.

While this collaboration has economic benefits for Hungary, it also raises concerns within the EU about the country’s energy dependence on Russia and the potential implications for regional security.


Viktor Orbán

Read also: Putin’s “Trojan horse” in the EU Viktor Orbán criticises sanctions against Russia.

“We can safely say that as a result of the sanctions, European people have become poorer, while Russia has not fallen to its knees.

“This weapon has backfired, with the sanctions Europe has shot itself in the foot.”


Viktor Orbán’s pragmatism in dealing with Vladimir Putin is evident in his approach to EU sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine.

While Hungary officially supports the EU’s sanctions, Orbán has been known to express reservations about their effectiveness and has advocated for their reconsideration.

This nuanced stance reflects Hungary’s economic interests, as well as Orbán’s desire to maintain a degree of autonomy in foreign policy decision-making.

The relationship between Orbán and Putin has geopolitical implications for the European Union. Hungary’s willingness to engage with Russia has sometimes put it at odds with the broader EU consensus, particularly regarding issues such as the conflict in Ukraine.

The EU, which has adopted a unified stance on sanctions against Russia, is wary of member states pursuing individual foreign policies that deviate from the common position.

Viktor Orbán’s approach has prompted concerns among EU leaders about the cohesiveness of the bloc’s foreign policy and its ability to present a united front on critical geopolitical issues.

At the time of writing European Parliament is expressing concerns about Hungary’s suitability its’ forthcoming Presidency of the European Council.

Parliament is also asking if the European Commission has failed in it’s duty of diligence toward’s EU taxpayers in its disbursement of previously withheld funds to Hungary.

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