Home MOREOPINION Arab Nations Refuse to Take in Unwanted Gazan Refugees: Is Putin Set to Profit as European Nations Are Swamped?

Arab Nations Refuse to Take in Unwanted Gazan Refugees: Is Putin Set to Profit as European Nations Are Swamped?

by gary cartwright
Arab Nations
“One important fact left unsaid as the far-left demands that Israel allow Hamas and its supporters to go unpunished and, ideally, cedes to the Arabs the entire land of Israel, is the fact that the surrounding Arab nations are refusing to take displaced Gazans in as refugees. 

“The reason is that no Arab nation wants these “Palestinian” Arabs who have proven to be as destructive to Arab nations as they are to Israel,” as Andrea Widburg wrote recently in The American Thinker.

Following the disastrous Arab Spring, which led to massive upheaval in the Muslim lands of Africa and the Middle East, Europe opened its doors to refugees from those wars. 

Europe did this even though its cultural connection to these refugees was minimal to nonexistent. 

It was, the Europeans felt, the right thing to do. Angela Merkel certainly felt it was the right thing to do when in in 2015 she opened Germany’s borders with the words “we can manage it”.

Of the 5 million who sought asylum in the EU from 2015 to 2020, nearly 40 percent did so in Germany. This has directly led to the rise – or should we say “resurgence”? – of the German far-right.

Organised crime also benefited greatly, as many, if not most, were smuggled into Europe and the UK. 

In September 2015, Europol estimated there were 30,000 suspected migrant smugglers operating in and around Europe. 

By the end of 2016, this number had increased to 55,000.

In Europe, as in the UK, we are told that our geographical borders are meaningless because we have a moral obligation to welcome in refugees from around the world—generally not even refugees from war, they are simply refugees from places these economic migrants don’t like very much. Places without functioning social welfare systems.

“That these people have no cultural connection to us and have no interest in sharing – or indeed respecting – our core values is apparently irrelevant. 

“However, we are required to accept their poverty and pathology, their sex trafficking, their gangs, and their religious practices.

We must do this, we’re told, because it’s the right thing to do.”

As Ms. Widburg further noted, “Intriguingly, no one in the Muslim world seems to be burdened with this moral sense that the right thing for them to do would be to take in their co-religionists from Gaza. 

After all, Hamas is telling the world that thousands of Gazans have already died and that tens of thousands more will die. Yet no other Arab country appears to want them.”

Of course, in reality Hamas, its fighters well fed on western “humanitarian aid”,  doesn’t want them to leave.

If the Gazan people have one single value in their homeland it is that of Hamas’ human shield – a policy it’s enforcing with ever-increasing, murderous brutality.

And there is no propaganda more effective than the dead bodies of babies.

“But why won’t the surrounding Arab nations— many of which are oil-rich and which have a lot of empty land—take in these downtrodden, huddled masses purportedly yearning to breathe free?” Ms. Widburg asks.

“In fact, those styled as “Palestinians” have no historical ties to the land they are so keen to abandon for a life in the west: they have roots that go back, at most, a couple of hundred years. 

“Indeed they began to style themselves as “Palestinians” only in the 1960s.” 

As Ms. Widburg correctly points out, “They styled themselves as “Palestinians” only in the 1960s while working with the Soviets during the Cold War. To the extent the implications of the name are dishonest…scare quotes. As the left repeatedly shows, words and names matter, so let’s get the names right.”

Whilst Hamas may not want to lose its human shield, Vladimir Putin, however, would be delighted by the situation.

“Weaponisation” of migration is something that Putin has down to a fine art.

Western infrastructure will be swamped with the burden of many hundreds of thousands of “refugees”, placing huge pressures on the indigenous populations who pay for it.

This will certainly cause a backlash against national governments. 

And this is coming at a time when Europe, the UK, and the USA are preparing to go to the polls.

Changes of government, at a time when Europe is teetering on the brink of war, will be highly destabilising.

Many of the right-wing parties who will benefit from this year’s elections are beholden financially and politically to the Kremlin.

Today it is just Viktor Orban who is rocking the boat. By the end of 2024 he may be just one of many of Putin’s Puppets in Brussels.



Read also: Putin’s “Trojan horse” in the EU Viktor Orban criticises sanctions against Russia.

“Orban, long at odds with the EU over some of his policies seen in Brussels as anti-democratic, urged a ceasefire to end the war and said the sanctions against Russia were dealing a blow to Europe’s economy.”




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