Home POLITICS Hungary Blocks EU Statement on the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Hungary Blocks EU Statement on the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

by EUToday Correspondents
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Invasion of Ukraine
On February 23rd, 2024, Rikard Jozwiak of RFERL.org reported that Hungary had blocked a statement planned by the European Union to mark the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, scheduled for February 24th.

According to sources within the EU, Hungary’s objection has effectively halted the issuance of the statement, which was originally scheduled for February 23rd.

In response to Hungary’s objection, the EU has pursued an alternative approach. Instead of a unified statement representing all 27 member states, the EU has release a declaration on behalf of the presidents of its principal institutions.

This statement is featuring contributions from Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission; Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament; and Charles Michel, President of the European Council.

Hungary has issued its own statement instead, where it calls for “immediate ceasefire and peace talks”, an entrapment strategy that Russia has already deployed in multiple conflicts it instigated on the post-soviet territories, and specifically in Ukraine with Minsk Agreements, when it annexed Crimea and occupied parts of Donbas in 2014.

Minsk Agreements were a delaying tactics deployed by Russia in order to re-arm and prepare for large scale war that commenced precisely on the 24th of February 2022, whose anniversary we are commemorating tomorrow.

EU Pledges Unwavering Support for Ukraine Amid Ongoing Aggression

In a joint statement issued by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and the President of the European Parliament, the European Union (EU) commemorated a somber anniversary – two years since Russia’s egregious act of aggression against Ukraine.

This violation of international law and the UN Charter has resulted in two years of relentless violence, brutality, and devastation, leaving indelible scars on both nations.

The statement underscored the EU’s steadfast commitment to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

The illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol a decade ago marked the onset of Russia’s sustained aggression against Ukraine, for which Russia and its leadership are held solely responsible.

Despite the ongoing atrocities inflicted upon Ukraine, the statement highlighted the resilience and courage of the Ukrainian people in defending their homeland and upholding shared European values.

The EU pledged enduring support for Ukraine’s efforts to defend itself, protect its citizens and critical infrastructure, restore territorial integrity, and ultimately bring an end to the war.

In a significant move, the EU announced its decision to initiate accession negotiations with Ukraine, signalling a clear path towards EU membership for the country.

This commitment is complemented by a substantial financial assistance package of €50 billion for the period of 2024-2027, aimed at addressing Ukraine’s immediate needs, rebuilding its economy, modernizing institutions, and reinforcing democracy and the rule of law.

Furthermore, the EU reiterated its commitment to addressing Ukraine’s pressing military and defense requirements, including the delivery of urgently needed ammunition and missiles.

Unprecedented actions have been taken at the EU level to bolster European defense industry production, enhancing military support and cooperation with Ukraine while strengthening defense readiness and European sovereignty.

The statement also emphasized the EU’s resolve to impose increasing pressure on Russia through targeted sanctions and other measures, with a focus on limiting Russia’s capacity to wage war and isolating it in international forums.

Efforts towards directing revenues from Russian immobilized assets to support Ukraine underscore the EU’s commitment to holding Russia accountable for its actions.

Additionally, the EU expressed support for Ukraine’s Peace Formula, advocating for a just, comprehensive, and enduring peace based on the principles of the UN Charter and international law.

The call for a Global Peace Summit with broad international backing underscores the EU’s commitment to facilitating a resolution to the conflict.

In a symbolic gesture of solidarity and resolve, the statement concluded with a pledge to fly the flags of the EU and Ukraine side by side, reaffirming the enduring bond between the two entities and their shared commitment to peace, security, and justice.


The relationship between Orbán and Putin has geopolitical implications for the European Union. Hungary’s willingness to engage with Russia has sometimes put it at odds with the broader EU consensus, particularly regarding issues such as the conflict in Ukraine.



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