Decades ago, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (born in Ukraine) summed it up: “They said we must be dead. And we say we want to be alive. Between life and death, I don’t know of a compromise.”
And at his recent Senate confirmation hearings, now Secretary of State Rubio said about Israel, “you cannot coexist with armed elements at your border who seek your destruction and evisceration as a state. You just can’t. No nation [can], we wouldn’t tolerate it and they [Israel] can’t either.”
Yet Israel has The Bomb. Instead, in 1994 America did Russia’s bidding and hectored Ukraine into surrendering its nuclear arsenal. . . not even to the US, but to Russia. Washington promised: “Ukraine’s security problem will be solved once Ukraine gives up its nuclear arsenal.”
Last week however, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, articulated concessions to Russia’s genocidal goal in Ukraine, for years openly, repeatedly declared by Russia.
At the moment, evidently it will be some 20% of Russian occupied Ukraine’s territory and its population. (Twenty percent of US territory, incidentally, is everything east of the Mississippi River, excluding Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. That means the industry, the natural resources – and the human beings.)
And then this. Speaking of his phone call with Putin last week, President Trump said, “God bless the people of Russia and Ukraine!” How would that work?
For Russia’s faux “church,” its Patriarch Kirill is God’s vicar on earth. Wallet cards issued by the Russian Patriarchate instructed Russian troops: “Your task is to wipe the Ukrainian nation off the face of the earth.” It’s a “Holy War.”
On official Russian state television, Russian priests discuss how to better kill Ukrainians. One proffered; “Ukrainians need to be burned and their throats slit.”
Well, then, how would one go about roasting a Ukrainian child on a spit?
No, this is not gratuitous dramaturgy. And not to pose this question in precisely in this manner would itself be grotesque and the textual slaughter of that soul.
“Yesterday we were out for a walk, a woman with two children came towards us—well, we put them down…It’s only proper, they are our enemies…Right, I don’t feel sorry for them. It’s their choice. They could have left, like the others did.”
“Roast them khokhols [the Russian “n” word for Ukrainians] on a spit, zayka [bunny dear],” his enabler cheers on the other end of the call.
It’s one of thousands of intercepted personal phone calls and unencrypted battlefield radio transmissions by Russian forces in Ukraine recording their implementation of Russia’s foaming vitriol. The calls are to and from their families in Russia, mostly women,– wives, girlfriends and mothers.
They document the bestiality. “We were given the order to kill everyone we see.” The rare scintilla of humanity by the perpetrator is immediately quashed at the other end of the line. “Mum, what are we doing in Ukraine? People were living here, and now we’ve covered the country with corpses. Why?!”
Mum: “Don’t you dare say that. They are not people at all. Keep fighting!”
The blood lust has enveloped not only the military, but has become a Russian national depravity that openly, proudly exhorting exterminating all Ukrainians. It specifically, openly invoking genocide as the goal that has only been growing. It’s part of the “Russian soul.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky was clear enough: “All people should become Russian and Russian above all else, because the Russian national idea is universal.”
“There will be no mercy for them. It all became very serious, in this case, it means concentration camps, re-education, sterilization.”
“Ukrainians are . . .possessed by the devil. We will kill as many of you as we have to. We will kill 1 million, or 5 million; we can exterminate all of you until you understand that you’re possessed and you have to be cured.”
“The genocide of these cretins is due and inevitable.”
“We need to kill, kill, and kill [Ukrainians]” I tell you as a professor.”
“This [Ukrainian] language should not exist… Neither this [Ukrainian] nation nor this language should exist! Cleanse it all out, cleanse out all of its sources.
“Just drown those kids, throw them in the river with a strong undercurrent… Shove them right into those huts and burn them up… [Ukraine] is not supposed to exist at all.”
“These are simply animals. They don’t need to be agitated to lose their human form. They have no human form anymore. There is no pity for any of them, not one of them. This is whom the Russian Army is fighting – ghouls. Fighting against the undead who rose from the grave, just like in the TV series .”
“The nation of Ukraine should completely disappear.”
“I hate them [Ukrainians]. They are scum and degenerates. . . . . And as long as I’m alive, I will do everything to make them disappear,” wrote Russian Security Council Deputy Chair Dmitry Medvedev.
Evidently, America has no objection to that very goal, as Ukraine “may be Russian” was Trump’s matter-of-fact remark.
For that to be, the US president condemns the victim: “I said that was not a good war to go into, and I think they [the Ukrainians] have to make peace.” Ukraine should not have defended itself against Russia’s genocidal war against it, apparently.
How is nation killing done?
Use smart bombs not to avoid “collateral damage” but to cause it . . . civilians, hospitals, including very specifically children’s cancer hospitals, maternity clinics, schools, pre-schools, universities, playgrounds, nurseries, day care centers, residential complexes.
Poison water sources, engineer ecological disasters as a multiplier for present and future death, blow up power stations, mine territory the size of Switzerland, especially agricultural land, destroy food supplies, slaughter farm animals, wreck agricultural equipment, destroy grain elevators and food supplies, vaporize villages, towns and entire Ukrainian cities.
It’s a bonfire of human flesh. Gaza looks like sylvan charm by comparison. The most recent abomination was the bombing, on February 14th, of the multi-billion dollar protective sarcophagus built over the Chornobyl nuclear reactor that exploded in 1986, the largest nuclear disaster in history. This was a message for the Munich Security Conference.
And make sure to barrel bomb any manifestation, record or teacher of national identity — theaters, movie and opera houses, museums, churches, synagogues, libraries, social and cultural institutions.
For a decade now, the horrors of homicidal russification in Russian occupied territories are everywhere. All the time. It’s an orgy of mass terror, deportations to Russia, child abduction and re-education, “filtration” camps, kill lists for Ukrainian politicians, army officials, veterans, priests, teachers, journalists, lawyers, civil servants, concentration camps, torture rooms, including special ones for children(!), dismemberment of teenagers with Ukr markings, rape and sexual mutilation of toddlers on up, and brainwashing of children into now Russian automatons trained to kill for “Mother Russia.”
Recreational and physical torture is a contest for the most bestial. A child’s head is sent in a wooden box to her parents. It’s fun.
And Ukrainian POW’s? Thousands of Ukrainian POWs that have been massacred after surrendering their arms relying on Russian promises. They’re tortured, blown up, castrated, gassed to death, decapitated while alive with their heads on on stakes on macabre display.
The Russian soldiers are incentivized and rewarded for bestial torture. Putin lauded the 64th Guard Motorized Brigade for “mass heroism and bravery, steadfastness and fortitude” – these were the war crimes in Bucha. The paltry few Ukrainian defenders involved in prisoner exchanges are the horrifying living corpses straight out of Hitler’s Auschwitz or Dachau, or Stalin’s Kolyma, Vorkuta, Solovki or Pechora. Their skin simply keeps their bones together.
Roman Schwarzman, an 88 year old Ukrainian Holocaust survivor, recently addressed the German Bundestag: “Putin is trying to destroy us as a nation, just as Hitler tried to destroy the Jewish people in World War II. Back then, Hitler wanted to kill me because I am Jewish. Now Putin is trying to kill me because I am Ukrainian.
“I see the faces of the Ukrainian defenders returning from Russian captivity. Their stories of torture by the Russian occupiers cause phantom pains in me.”
No worries. President Trump assures us that Putin “wants to see people stop dying.”
Who does he think organized, financed, trained Hamas, Hezbollah, al- Quaeda, and other international terror groups that have attacked America and the West since the 1970s? Who do we think came up with the scenario for 9/11?

Headline from this morning’s NYT.
There’s a legacy of American facilitation of Russian genocide in Ukraine, and always with the resulting solidification of Russia’s threat to America.
After WWI and as Moscow was hammering the defunct Russian Empire into a “new” USSR, Washington simply threw Ukraine under the bus, walking away from its commitments of aid. All in the face of Ukraine’s warnings of Moscow’s existential threat awaiting America.
Ten years of Ukrainian resistance to the ensuing slaughter was finally broken by Stalin’s starvation of Ukraine in 1932-3 (the Holodomor). The purpose, wrote Oxford professor Norman Davies, was to kill Ukrainian nationhood. “The world has seen many terrible famines, many aggravated by civil war. But a famine organized as a genocidal act of state policy must be considered unique.”
In a 1933 report to the Royal Embassy of Italy in Moscow, Italy’s consul in Kharkiv wrote that Moscow engineered the starvation of Ukraine “to dispose of the Ukrainian problem.” He quoted a top GPU secret police official who laconically explained that the purpose was to change the “ethnographic materials” of Ukraine. Moscow’s goal was “to dispose of the Ukrainian problem within a few months at a cost of 10-15 million souls . . . . However monstrous and incredible such a plan might appear, it should nevertheless be regarded as authentic and well underway . . . The current disaster will bring about a predominantly Russian colonialization of Ukraine. It will transform its ethnographic character. In a future time, perhaps very soon . . . Ukraine will become a de facto Russian region.”
Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term “genocide” and is the father of the U.N. Genocide Convention, condemned not just the murder of millions but also the evisceration of Ukraine’s national ethos: “This is not simply a case of mass murder. It is a case of genocide, of destruction, not of individuals only, but of a culture and a nation.”
US betrayal of Ukraine soon became official. Having remained studiously silent as Moscow was scything Ukraine nearly out of existence, on November 16th, 1933, Washington recognized the genocidal regime, stamping legitimacy, approval, and acceptance. It was a regime dedicated to the destruction of Roosevelt’s own country. It’s genocidal starvation of Ukraine was the linchpin ensuring the viability of the Soviet Union, with all its consequences for the US and the world.
Today America exudes the same moral sordor and strategic infantalism. The Jewish Ukrainian Schwarzman warned the German parliament, “Anyone who believes that Russia will be satisfied with Ukraine is mistaken. The world must stop being afraid,” he declared. “Ukraine is doing everything to keep the war from coming to you.”
But Washington is not using Ukraine as a fulcrum to recoup its shattered global determine credibility, to deter Russia/China/Iran/North Korea, and to reassure our allies. Instead, Washington is facilitating Putin’s slaughter of Ukraine as a fulcrum to ensure America’s Waterloo.
For Russia, Washington’s betrayal of Ukraine “showcases America’s impotence on a global stage.” It was, after all, precisely Ukraine’s renewed independence in 1991 that dissolved the Soviet Union, making America “great again.”
Oleg Matveychev, the Kremlin’s spin doctor, had it right: “There isn’t a single country in the world that is as easily manipulated as America. . . . We can take them down without it [nukes].”
Remember President Trump’s 2019 proposed nuclear disarmament pact with Pyongyang’s Kim Jong-un? Trump enthused that he had “fallen in love” after an exchange of “beautiful” letters.
At the press conference, President Trump gushed, “I just feel very strongly – my instinct, ability or talent – that they want to make a deal. I may be wrong, I mean I may stand before you in six months and say, ‘Hey I was wrong.’ I don’t know that I’ll ever admit that, but I’ll find some kind of excuse.” The North Korean dictator simply accelerated his nuclear program.
In the wake of President Trump’s give-away to Putin, we can almost hear the Kremlin’s knee-slapping howls of delight, as also in Beijing/Pyiongyan/Teheran.
America never, ever, learns…
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