Home FEATURED Mikheil Saakashvili Reflects on His Perspectives After Alexei Navalny’s Assassination

Mikheil Saakashvili Reflects on His Perspectives After Alexei Navalny’s Assassination

by EUToday Correspondents
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Mikheil Saakashvili
Former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, who has been detained since October 2021 and suffered poisoning by heavy metals while in detention, penned an opinion piece for Ukrainska Pravda titled:“My Perspectives After the Murder of Alexei Navalny.”

Reflecting on his past, Saakashvili acknowledges having reservations towards Navalny’s viewpoints, particularly concerning Russia’s interventions in Georgia and Crimea.

However, he recognises the potential for personal growth, highlighting Navalny’s evolving positions post-poisoning and his courageous return to Russia.

Saakashvili emphasises Navalny’s condemnation of Russia’s extensive invasion and his advocacy for Ukraine’s territorial integrity within internationally recognised borders.

Quoting Navalny’s public apologies following Saakashvili’s poisoning and mistreatment, Saakashvili recognises the significance of such gestures amid intricate geopolitical tensions.

“I know that many Ukrainians and Georgians still haven’t forgiven him, but I still believe that expressing such changes in position in his situation requires additional courage,” remarked Saakashvili.

Reflecting on Putin’s perceptions, Saakashvili recalls the Russian leader’s past reluctance to address Navalny by his surname, instead likening him to Saakashvili himself.

This sentiment was apparent during a notable press conference in 2017 when Putin referred to Navalny, stating, “I don’t want Saakashvili running around Russian roofs and squares.”

Turning to his own experiences, Saakashvili recalls Putin’s threats against him dating back to 2008, echoing the precariousness of his situation. He noted the susceptibility of the Georgian government to Russian influence, citing similarities in symptoms between his poisoning and that of Eugenia Kara-Murza’s husband.

Bringing attention to international calls for his release, Saakashvili acknowledges the collective demand from Ukraine, France, Poland, Lithuania, and the European Parliament, as well as the Georgian populace.

However, he underscores the obstacles posed by the resistance of Russian-Georgian oligarch Ivanishvili, aligned with Moscow’s interests.

Saakashvili concludes with a sobering reflection on his predicament, emphasising the reliance on the success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for his survival. “My rescue depends on the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and in this, I am one of many who have fallen into the clutches of evil,” he laments.

European Parliament resolution 

The European Parliament passed a resolution on 15th February 2023 concerning the situation of former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili.

Saakashvili, who returned to Georgia in October 2021 after an eight-year exile, faces multiple charges, including abuse of power, for which he was convicted in absentia in 2018. His detention and subsequent health decline, attributed to heavy metal poisoning, have raised serious concerns.

The resolution expressed grave concern over Saakashvili’s deteriorating health and the inadequate response from Georgian authorities.

It calls for his immediate release and access to proper medical treatment abroad, citing humanitarian grounds and the need to reduce political polarisation.

The European Parliament urges the Georgian government to uphold European values and its declared European aspirations by ensuring Saakashvili’s well-being, respecting his rights, and providing adequate medical care.

Furthermore, the resolution emphasises the importance of EU involvement in securing Saakashvili’s release and monitoring his court hearings.

It highlights the potential damage to Georgia’s reputation and democratic institutions if his situation is not addressed promptly. The resolution also underscores the need for genuine reform of the justice system in Georgia.

Ultimately, the European Parliament calls on relevant EU institutions and member states to take action and forwards the resolution to key stakeholders, including the Georgian government, the Council of Europe, and international organisations.


Yulia Navalnaya

Read also: Yulia Navalnaya Vows to Continue Alexei Navalny’s Mission

In a video statement posted on Navalny’s YouTube channel, Yulia Navalnaya directly accused Vladimir Putin of being responsible for her husband’s death, stating, “I should not be here, recording this video. Someone else should be in my place, but Vladimir Putin killed that person.

“Three days ago, Putin killed my husband, Alexei Navalny.”


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