Home MOREBUSINESS & ECONOMY Fostering Defence Tech Innovation: Introducing MITS Accelerator in Ukraine

Fostering Defence Tech Innovation: Introducing MITS Accelerator in Ukraine

by Inna Chefranova
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MITS Accelerator

A collaborative endeavour between Ukrainian and American firms in the realm of cutting-edge defence technologies – MITS Accelerator – has been unveiled with the introduction of a programme designed to bolster Ukrainian technological startups in the defence sector.

Termed as MITS (Міць) – Military Innovation Technology Solutions, the initiative was announced via a press release issued by the accelerator.

The primary aim of the MITS programme is to aid burgeoning technological enterprises in identifying optimal partners and expanding their operations, all the while ensuring expedited access for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to top-tier defence technological products for deployment.

The accelerator extends its support to startups amounting to $200,000, segregated into $100,000 in direct investments into the company and an additional $100,000 earmarked for expertise, jointly conducted with the American University Kyiv.

The support programme is delineated into business acceleration and post-acceleration support, each extending over a period of three months.

Additionally, MITS, in collaboration with the American University Kyiv, has formulated an educational programme encompassing theoretical and practical components.

The overarching objective is to assist companies in expanding their operations and forging partnerships.

MITS will extend its assistance to startups operating in various categories, including:

  • Ground robotic systems
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Unmanned ground vehicles
  • Unmanned underwater vehicles
  • Electronic warfare equipment
  • Communication, optical, and acoustic reconnaissance tools
  • Military transport
  • Demining
  • Software and IT
  • Ammunition
  • Equipment for the “soldier of the future”

Startup teams were invited to submit their applications for participation in the acceleration programme from February 23 to March 14, 2024, by completing the form available on the MITS website.

This collaborative effort between Ukrainian and American entities signifies a significant stride towards nurturing innovation and technological advancement in the defence sector.

By bolstering startups and facilitating their integration into the defence supply chain, MITS aims to enhance Ukraine’s defence capabilities while fostering cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Key Stakeholders in the MITS Accelerator Programme

The MITS (Міць) involves various key stakeholders who play pivotal roles in its success and implementation. These stakeholders include:

  1. Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
  2. Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine
  3. Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
  4. Brave1 – Ukrainian Defence Innovations, a United coordination platform created by the Government of Ukraine to promote collaboration between all stakeholders of the defence tech industry by providing them with organisational, informational, and financial support for defence tech projects in Ukraine
  5. Ministry of Economy Development and Trade of Ukraine

Through collaboration and coordination among these key stakeholders, the MITS accelerator programme endeavours to create a conducive environment for the development and adoption of cutting-edge defence technologies, thereby enhancing Ukraine’s defence capabilities and fostering innovation-driven growth in the country’s defence sector.

It is impossible to be interested in defence tech and overlook the Ukrainian context

Investors, observing the Ukrainian example, have seen how technologies can impact the situation on the battlefield. 

For Ukraine, this presents a unique opportunity, as the development of such technologies without their use in real warfare diminishes their chances of success. 

Therefore, Ukrainian startups may gain a qualitative advantage in this niche.

Ukraine’s strategic location, skilled workforce, and experience in defence technology make it an ideal hub for military tech startups. 

The country’s rich scientific heritage, coupled with its agile entrepreneurial spirit, creates fertile ground for innovation in this sector.

Moreover, Ukraine’s proximity to conflict zones provides a real-world testing ground for defence technologies, offering startups invaluable feedback and opportunities for refinement.

For Ukraine’s startup industry, a pivotal moment has arrived, as the interest in Ukrainian defence tech projects can positively impact other industries. 

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