Home HUMAN RIGHTS Russian air strikes ravage Ukrainian Cities, leaving death and destruction in their wake

Russian air strikes ravage Ukrainian Cities, leaving death and destruction in their wake

In a horrifying escalation of tensions, Russian air strikes pounded the streets of Kyiv and various other Ukrainian cities during the morning rush hour, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

by EUToday Correspondents
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Russian Air Strikes

Merciless Russian air strikes have claimed the lives of at least three innocent civilians, with scores more injured and widespread infrastructural damage reported across the capital and other Ukrainian Cities.

President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed the grim toll, stating that two individuals perished in Kyiv, while another lost their life in Mykolayiv, situated in the southern reaches of Ukraine.

The assault, described by Zelensky as “another massive attack against our state,” targeted six regions, plunging the nation into chaos and terror.

Despite the ferocity of the onslaught, Ukrainian air defences valiantly intercepted 44 missiles and drones out of the 64 launched by Russian forces, according to Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, the commander of Ukraine’s armed forces.

However, the remaining projectiles found their marks, unleashing a wave of destruction that engulfed civilian infrastructure and sparked raging fires throughout Kyiv.

Ukrainian CitiesEuropean Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, currently on a diplomatic visit to Kyiv, bore witness to the Russian air strikes, sharing his experience from a shelter amid the blaring air raid sirens.

Borrell’s presence underscores the European Union’s unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, as discussions regarding military and financial aid, alongside Kyiv’s reform efforts, dominate the agenda.

The human toll of the airstrikes is starkly evident, with at least 14 individuals wounded in Kyiv alone, alongside reports of extensive property damage and power outages caused by severed electricity lines.

The indiscriminate nature of the attacks spared no corner of Ukrainian territory, with regions as far-flung as Lviv and Kharkiv falling victim to Russian aggression.

Amidst the chaos, however, the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people shine through.

Vitalii Bachynskyi, an IT worker taking refuge with his family in a shelter, exemplifies the unwavering spirit of defiance gripping the nation.

“We are being shelled, we endure,” he declares, echoing the sentiments of countless Ukrainians facing the brunt of this unprovoked assault. “This is not the worst that could happen. People on the frontlines have it the worst…We will wait for the victory.”

As the world watches in horror at the unfolding tragedy, the plight of Ukraine serves as a stark reminder of the perils of unchecked aggression and the urgent need for concerted international action to halt the bloodshed and restore peace to the embattled region.

Meanwhile Medvedev Threatens the World with ‘Apocalypse’ Again…

As the world grapples with the aftermath of Russia’s brazen airstrikes on Ukrainian cities, the situation takes a chilling turn with the renewed threats issued by Russian Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev.

In a stark warning reminiscent of Cold War rhetoric, Medvedev once again brandishes the spectre of “apocalypse,” this time directed towards NATO and European leaders.

In a message relayed via the Telegram messaging app, Medvedev’s words ring with ominous intent as he singles out figures from NATO-aligned nations, including Sunak, Scholz, Macron, and leaders from Norway, Finland, Poland, and others.

He dismisses the notion of a conventional conflict, asserting that any potential war with Russia would unfold beyond the realms of traditional warfare, devoid of trenches and artillery exchanges.

Citing the vast asymmetry in military capabilities, Medvedev ominously hints at the employment of ballistic and cruise missiles armed with “special warheads” as a means to safeguard Russia’s territorial integrity.

This stark declaration echoes the sentiments of Russia’s military doctrine, with Medvedev ominously invoking the dreaded “Apocalypse” as the inevitable outcome of any confrontation.

It’s worth noting that throughout Russia’s full-scale incursion into Ukraine, Putin’s cohorts have consistently framed the conflict as one not against Ukraine per se, but against NATO.

This narrative serves as a thinly veiled justification for Russia’s belligerence, painting the country as a bulwark against Western encroachment rather than an aggressor bent on undermining Ukrainian sovereignty.

Polish Minister Warns of Unchanging Russian Aggression in Wake of Mass Attacks on Ukraine.

Tomasz Siemoniak.

Polish Minister and Coordinator of Special Services, Tomasz Siemoniak, has issued a stark assessment following the recent wave of mass attacks by Russia on Ukraine.

Siemoniak asserts that there is no indication of a shift in Moscow’s policy or its approach to conducting warfare.

Speaking candidly, Siemoniak urges the West to take decisive action in response to Russia’s continued aggression.

“The West must take heed: we stand with Ukraine, advocating for support packages in the United States, for there seems to be no end in sight to this war, and Ukraine requires our backing in the interest of the free world, a fact Russia brutally reminds us of,” he stated.

The Polish minister emphasised that the mass rocket attack on Ukraine demonstrates Russia’s steadfast commitment to its aggressive policies and methods of warfare. “If anyone thought there would be a softening of the course, then nothing of the sort has transpired. The war continues, and there is no change in sight,” he added.

Siemoniak also highlighted the proactive measures taken by Poland’s Armed Forces during the rocket attack. “We must use the term ‘routine’, as this is another such situation where Polish anti-aircraft defence, Polish fighter jets, and other allied systems are activated to protect Poland’s airspace,” he stated.

His remarks underscore the seriousness of the situation and the urgent need for solidarity and decisive action from the international community.

As the conflict escalates, Siemoniak’s words serve as a sobering reminder of the gravity of the situation and the imperative for collective action to address Russia’s aggression.


Ukrainian cities

EP Plenary session – Council and Commission statement – Two years of Russian’s war of aggression against Ukraine

Read also: EU collaborates with Ukraine to develop Defence Sector Industrial Strategy across member states

“We must not only speed up the supply of ammunition. Looking to the future, we must consider Ukraine’s defence capabilities as part of our own.

“We have to think of Ukraine’s defence industry as part of our own. So we have engaged Ukraine in the preparation of our industrial strategy.”


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