Home FEATURED 2024 will bring strong civil network in EU macro-regions

2024 will bring strong civil network in EU macro-regions

by EUToday Correspondents

Civil society organisations of the four macro-regions closed a successful year in 2023 – they adopted a proposal for an EU macro-regional civil strategy at the First Macro-Regional Citizen Agora hosted by European House Budapest in December. What changes can we expect in 2024?

The main objective during 2023 was to develop a proposal for a macro-regional civil strategy, uniting efforts from civil society organisations (CSOs) and stakeholders from all the macro-regions.

CSOs have already proved to play an essential role in developing EU policies and safeguarding basic European values.

In addition, such a civil strategy will strengthen the ownership feeling in every participating Member State.

Four macro-regional strategies have been adopted by the European Union: the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (2009), the Danube Region (2010), the Adriatic and Ionian Region (2014) and the Alpine Region (2015).

These EU macro-regions include 27 countries with more than 340 million people.

As countries and regions face challenges that know no borders (pollution, climate change, unemployment, lack of connectivity etc.), macro-regional strategies were established to identify cooperation potentials and to look for common answers.

A valuable precedent has already been set for a macro-regional civil strategy. In 2020, European House Budapest, together with 8 other CSOs, reflected on the European Commission’s 3rd Report on the implementation of macro-regional strategies.

Its result, the “Shadow Report – An alternative positive voice” was born in 2022, after broad consultations. It was the first time that CSOs from the four macro-regions combined their efforts and worked together for a commonly defined objective.

The positive reception of the Shadow Report (which was even referred to in the European Commission’s Report on macro-regional strategies), as well as the Commission’s 4th implementation Report (emphasising the need to involve local and regional communities) encouraged European House Budapest to take another significant initiative – elaborating a proposal for an EU macro-regional strategy.

This civil strategy is a great example of the bottom-up approach, demonstrating the benefits of citizens’ involvement in shaping European policies and practicing participatory democracy.

Following a series of preparatory meetings in Vienna, Rome, Lyon and Stockholm in 2023, the First Macro-Regional Citizen Agora in Budapest adopted a proposal for a strategy in December.

The Agora also approved a forward-looking workplan for 2024, including – in addition to the development of an EU macro-regional civil strategy – the establishment of a macro-regional civil network.

It is an open and inclusive pro-European collaborative arrangement, with the participation of CSOs, local and regional communities and other interested stakeholders, aiming to assist the implementation of the EU macro-regional idea. 

The primary intention is to bring together CSOs and like-minded group across the four macro-regions and even beyond to tackle common challenges like climate change, the energy crisis, digital transformation, or social transition.

This can be done through common actions, study trips, seminars, volunteer exchanges, or training. An additional test during the first half of 2024 is to increase citizens’ turnout with special attention to first-time voters at the forthcoming European Parliamentary elections.

The macro-regional idea carries a definite pro-European message in this context as well.

Last but not least, a macro-regional civil strategy, promoting the European project on the local and regional level, will also build a bridge between civil society organisations and EU institutions. Plenty of meaningful goals to work for in 2024.

Because we are #StrongerTogether!

Miklos Barabas

European House Budapest


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