Home POLITICS EPP group pulls out of “inappropriate and insensitive” parliamentary visit to Greece in wake of train tragedy

EPP group pulls out of “inappropriate and insensitive” parliamentary visit to Greece in wake of train tragedy

by gary cartwright
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Centre right MEPs have pulled out of a visit to Greece after the country’s train tragedy that killed 57 people, it has emerged.
Following  accident in Greece, the EPP Group has decided not to participate in the mission of Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs this week.
 “It is inappropriate and insensitive”, say Group Chairman Manfred Weber MEP and Jeroen Lenaers MEP, Spokesman for the Group in the committee.

The EPP says “an unspeakable tragedy took place in Greece last week.

“The country is in shock. The Greek people are mourning a great loss. These are not the circumstances to organise an EP mission that could easily be postponed to a later date”, Weber said.

The EPP Group has requested to postpone the mission following the Greek authorities’ appeal to reconsider the mission.

“It is extremely disappointing that the Left Groups are so blinded by their dislike of certain governments that they lose sight of the most basic level of respect and humanity”, Lenaers continued.

“The only delegation that Parliament should send following this tragedy is to show our respect to the families of the victims and to offer our support to the Greek authorities,” the EPP Group Members said.

Meantime, the European Union agency responsible for rail safety warned the Greek authorities on multiple occasions over the past few years, according to the head of the organisation.

The Executive-Director of the EU Railway Agency said that Greece did not react in time to secure its railway system, despite its warning. Even its 2022 report evealed a gloomy picture.

“During the last few years, we have always seen that Greece has ranked amongst the ‘bad pupils’,” he explained.

“So, with a rather low performance in terms of safety — safety (is) measured in the number of fatal accidents in comparison to the length of the network and the number of passenger kilometres.

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