Home FEATURED John Bolton’s Warning: Trump’s Intent To Withdraw US from NATO

John Bolton’s Warning: Trump’s Intent To Withdraw US from NATO

In a recent revelation that has sent shockwaves across diplomatic circles, an ex-adviser to Donald Trump has warned that if the former president were to secure victory in the upcoming election, the United States could be on course to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

by EUToday Correspondents
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John Bolton
John Bolton’s stark warning, disclosed in Jim Sciutto’s forthcoming book “The Return of Great Powers,” underscores the potentially seismic impact of a Trump return to office on global security dynamics.

The dire prediction comes amid escalating tensions following Trump’s controversial remarks over the weekend, where he appeared to endorse Russia’s potential aggression against European allies failing to meet NATO’s budget contribution goals.

The fallout from such statements has prompted multiple former Trump advisers to sound the alarm, highlighting the looming specter of a US withdrawal from the long-standing military alliance.

According to revelations from Sciutto’s book, slated for publication on March 12th, a former senior US official, who held key roles in both the Trump and Biden administrations, warned that a Trump victory in November could spell the end of US participation in NATO.

John Bolton.

“NATO would be in real jeopardy,” echoed John Bolton, Trump’s former national security adviser, adding weight to the sombre assessment.

The implications of such a move are profound. NATO, founded in the aftermath of World War II, has served as a bulwark of transatlantic security and collective defence against external threats.

The potential withdrawal of the United States from NATO would not only undermine the alliance’s unity and deterrence capabilities but also create a significant power vacuum in the heart of Europe, emboldening adversaries and destabilising the region.

Trump’s antipathy towards NATO is nothing new.

Throughout his tenure in office, he has repeatedly criticized NATO members for what he perceives as inadequate defence spending, sowing doubts about the US commitment to the alliance.

This sentiment was starkly evident during the 2018 NATO summit in Brussels, where Trump reportedly considered ordering the withdrawal of the United States from the alliance, sending shockwaves through the diplomatic community.

Reflecting on the tense atmosphere of the summit, Bolton recounted genuine fears among officials over Trump’s intentions.

“Honest to God, it was frightening because we didn’t know what he was going to do up until the last minute,” Bolton remarked, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Moreover, Trump’s disdain for security commitments extends beyond NATO, raising concerns over the future of US alliances worldwide.

From South Korea to Japan, his scepticism towards mutual defence agreements poses a fundamental challenge to the stability of key regions and the credibility of US security guarantees.

As the world braces for the potential ramifications of a Trump return to office, the warnings from former officials serve as a sobering reminder of the fragility of the international order.

The spectre of a US withdrawal from NATO represents not just a crisis in transatlantic relations but a fundamental reckoning with the future of global security in an increasingly uncertain world.


Read also: Trump’s Ongoing Threat: A Persistent Risk to NATO’s Unity

In a bombshell revelation, former President Donald Trump, now the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, has sparked uproar by suggesting he would endorse Russian aggression towards NATO allies who fail to meet their financial commitments to the alliance.


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