Home FEATURED Russia’s 300 Years of Attempted Genocide against Ukrainians, by Askold S. Lozynskyj

Russia’s 300 Years of Attempted Genocide against Ukrainians, by Askold S. Lozynskyj

by Askold S. Lozynskyj
The current Russian aggression, today’s attempt at Genocide against Ukrainians raises legal issues, although the intent of Putin, his associates Lavrov, Medvedev, Kirill and even ordinary soldiers and their mothers is undoubtedly quite transparent: “Erase the Ukrainian nation from the face of the earth.”

This is criminal genocidal intent as expressed directly by the Moscow Church, through official statements of the Kremlin and by individuals and publications.

In July 2021, Putin published a lengthy essay “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians”, claiming that Ukraine is an artificial entity that occupies historically Russian lands. Numerous legal experts and historians cited Putin’s essay  as part of  laying the groundwork for incitement to Genocide.

The shooting of civilians with their hands tied is indirect evidence of criminal genocidal intent.

It may simply be the criminal intent of the soldier or soldiers, the immediate perpetrators, however, targeting a missile or drone at an orphanage can only be a manifestation of the criminal intent of the one or those who give the orders.

In Russia, ultimately only one person gives the orders.

This is conclusive evidence of the criminal intent of genocide  by Vladimir Putin, a person who was and is the subject of  investigations by the International Criminal Court, regardless of whether Russia withdrew its signature  from the Rome Treaty.

This genocide is taking place on the territory of a state that signed the treaty and did not withdraw its signature. 

On March 17th,  2023 the ICC  issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and his surrogate Maria Lvova-Belova, the Russian commissioner for Children’s rights, alleging responsibility  for the war  crime of unlawful deportation and transfer of children during the Russian aggression in Ukraine. 

Although the arm of the International Criminal Court cannot reach the territory of the Russian Federation, the decision ensures the isolation of this criminal at least by the 123 countries that abide as signatories to the ICC statute.  

Putin is not able to travel freely, and in the event that a state like Turkey that actually invited him provides immunity from arrest, it exposes itself to the condemnation of the whole world and becomes an outcast.

This is expected with Putin’s planned visit to  Turkey and a bit  President Erdogan – something of an international pariah himself – who is likely to ignore the court’s decision, even though Turkey seeks membership of the European Union. 

In addition to the ICC, there is also the International Court of Justice at the Hague which deliberates disputes between states. Here Russia itself is a defendant in an action brought by Ukraine in February 2022. However, the wheels of justice here have moved very slowly. 

Today’s genocide against the Ukrainian people is happening on the TV screen and through other forms of media.

There are many witnesses, and there is much  evidence.

The action of the world community, international institutions such as the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court,  the United Nations General Assembly, or the UN Human Rights Council are very much before the eyes of the world.

The UN Security Council is well beyond the bounds of justice and the rule of law and, frankly, an oxymoron on the subject of security.

The crime of Genocide is a particularly heinous crime, considered the most egregious, well beyond crimes such as aggression, war crimes, crimes against humanity and listed by the ICC and merits special attention.

On February 28th, 2022, four days after the full scale invasion, the prosecutor of the ICC opened an investigation for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On March 2nd, 2022 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution deploring the “aggression “ committed by Russia against Ukraine.

Two days later the UN Human Rights Council called for a “swift and verifiable” withdrawal of Russian troops. On March 16th, 2022 the ICC ordered Russia to immediately suspend its military operation. 

I traveled to Irpin, a city near Kyiv in September 2022. I saw the devastation of residential areas. I saw simple motor vehicles riddled with bullet holes on all sides. There was no doubt that Russia was targeting civilians.

This was a very important observation of war crimes.

Not far from Irpin’ in the City of Bucha bodies of civilians had been discovered with their hands tied behind their backs.

They were shot execution style. There is no doubt that these were war crimes, and circumstantial evidence of an attempted Genocide.

Targeting civilian residential areas, maternity wards, children, kidnapping children are all war crimes.

The question presents itself: does this rise to the level of genocide?

Why are the Russians targeting civilian objects and even maternity wards and children?

In view of the blatant language beginning with Putin’s rewriting of Ukrainian history in July 2021, pilfering the history of Kyivan Rus’ and stating that Ukrainians are not a nation , the intent is clear.  

If Kyivan Rus’ is the history of Russia and Ukrainians are not a nation, then the intent to bomb maternity wards, kidnap children and target the civilian population is to eliminate Ukrainians. For Ukrainians  this is an existential war.

Existential in its very meaning signifies the existence of the country Ukraine and its people.

The  characterization of the war as Genocide is very real and substantiated by the facts which serve as evidence.

Why did the Russians invade Ukraine? By the Russians’ own assertions, it was because the Ukrainians are not even a nation. That is what Putin stated in his bizarre version of history.  

What does that mean?  The city of Kyiv which is the capitol of Ukraine  was founded in the 5th century while the village of Muscovy, which is the capitol of today’s Russia  was founded in the 12th century.

The sovereign Kyivan state ws in existence in the 9th century while Muscovy only became a sovereign state in the 16th century. Muscovite history is very sparse, short termed and replete with barbaric aggression.

Destroying an independent and democratic Ukraine is essential to obliterating a people not only that live there but also refer to it as their motherland. 

That is why a majority of all Russian targets are civilian, maternal, life giving,  providing energy and representing cultural treasures. Russia needs the Ukrainian identity.

In order to achieve that, it needs to destroy the Ukrainian people. It has tried in the past without success.

Consider the Holodomor of 1932-33 when 7-10 million Ukrainians were starved to death by te Kremlin.

Today’s invasion of Ukraine is yet another attempt at Genocide. The big difference is that today the Ukrainians are fighting back.

In a recent interview with his “useful idiot” Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin repeated his perverse view of Ukrainian and Russian history.

In fact, there was no Russia until the 18th century when it was artificially forged and named by Czar Peter  following his victory against the combined forces of the Swedes and Ukrainian Cossacks in the battle of Poltava in 1709.

Czar Peter had commenced his criminal genocide against Ukrainians a year earlier by indiscriminately razing the city and slaughtering the inhabitants of Baturyn, the capitol of his nemesis the Ukrainian Hetman Ivan Mazeppa.

Mazeppa’s courage was glorified a century later by the English poet Lord Byron. 

Thus for more than three hundred years the Russians have been attempting the Genocide of the Ukrainian people.

The current war is the latest example and a severe test requiring the resolve of the global community. Ukrainians have always persevered, but never overcome this dreaded evil. Today is the best opportunity to bring an end to the evil Russian empire. This requires the will of good people everywhere.

Mazeppa by Lord Byron (1819)

Though firm of heart and strong of hand,
In skirmish, march, or forage, none
Can less have said or more have done
Than thee, Mazeppa! On the earth
So fit a pair had never birth,

Since Alexander’s days till now,
As thy Bucephalus and thou:
All Scythia’s fame to thine should yield
For pricking on o’er flood and field.’

Mazeppa answered – ” Ill betide
The school wherein I learned to ride!


Read also: Russia and Ukraine: Two very different souls, by Askold S. Lozynskyj

“Both Ukrainians and Russians are born children of God if you are a believer, and simply children of their parents by science. What distinguishes them is the culture wherein they are raised. Russians are reared to believe in an undying empire. Ukrainians are brought up to protect their own. These are two very different cultural underpinnings.”



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