During a recent briefing in Brussels, Ruth Wasserman Lande, a Research Fellow at the Misgav Institute for National Security, former Deputy Ambassador of Israel, and former Member of the Knesset, provided an in-depth analysis of the growing influence of radical Islamic ideologies in Western cities, with a particular focus on London.
Her insights shed light on the underlying strategies and implications of this phenomenon, highlighting the need for increased awareness and proactive measures.

Ruth Wasserman Lande speaking at EJA/EIPA briefing
She highlighted the visible presence of Islamic practices in London’s public spaces.
Despite the existence of over 500 mosques in the city, an increasing number of Muslims now choose to pray in public areas such as Whitehall, Parliament Square, alongside Buckingham Palace, Kensington Gardens, and Hyde Park.
Such prayer events also take place in other European capitals, notably in Paris.
This trend, which began following the October 7th massacre of Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists, has raised questions about the motivations behind such public displays of religious practice.
“It’s not just about prayer,” Lande explained, “it’s a territorial statement. They are asserting their presence and influence in key public spaces.”
Territorial Demonstration
These public prayers, according to Ms. Wasserman Lande, serve as a demonstration of “territorial ownership”.
By occupying prominent public spaces, these groups make a statement about their presence and influence.
The act of praying in the streets, often blocking traffic, is a powerful symbol of their territorial claim. “Praying in the middle of the street is not just a religious act; it’s a political one,” she stated.
“It’s about saying, ‘We are here, and we are taking over these spaces.'”
Strategic Infiltration
The phenomenon of public prayers in London is part of a broader strategy of infiltration and influence.

Muslims praying in East London.
Ms. Wasserman Lande explained that this strategy involves mass immigration and the infiltration of key positions within society.
“There are many mayors in the UK who are not just Muslim, but who adhere to extreme Islamic ideologies,” she pointed out.
“This is part of a larger plan to gradually increase influence and control within Western societies.”
The Role of Qatar and Iran
Ms. Lande highlighted the roles of Qatar and Iran in supporting these efforts. Qatar, with its substantial financial resources, strategically funds think tanks, academic institutions, and media outlets to shape public opinion and political discourse.
“Qatar uses its wealth to buy influence in key sectors of society,” she noted. “This includes funding researchers, faculty members, and media personalities to promote their agenda.”
Iran, on the other hand, supports radical groups through funding, training, and weaponry. “Iran’s approach is more direct and militaristic,” Ms. Lande explained. “They provide the financial and logistical support needed for extremist groups to operate and spread their ideology.”
Education and Awareness
A crucial point raised by Ms. Wasserman Lande was the need for better education and public awareness about the threat posed by these radical ideologies. She stressed that many people in Western countries are unaware of the extent of the infiltration and the long-term goals of these groups.
“Educating the public is essential,” she emphasised. “People need to understand the broader strategy at play and the potential consequences of ignoring these developments.”
The Impact on Law Enforcement: British police are “mocked and challenged”

London’s Metropolitan Police look on as Muslims pray on a public highway.
She also discussed the challenges faced by law enforcement in dealing with these public displays of religious practice.
British police, often unarmed and restricted in their actions, are mocked and challenged by these public demonstrations.
“The police are put in a difficult position,” she observed. “They are often unable to act effectively because of legal and operational constraints. This emboldens the demonstrators and undermines public order.”
She suggested that the legal framework and operational guidelines need to be reassessed to enable law enforcement to effectively manage these situations without infringing on individual rights.
The Need for Proactive Measures
To address the growing influence of radical Islamic ideologies, Ms. Lande called for proactive measures.
This must include tightening immigration controls, ensuring that law enforcement has the necessary tools and training to manage public demonstrations, and increasing public awareness about the strategic goals of these extremist groups.
“Political leaders must take courageous stands to protect their societies from these insidious threats,” she urged. “This might mean facing backlash from certain voter segments, but it is necessary for the greater good.”
The Role of Media and Academia
Ms. Wasserman Lande also emphasised the significant influence of media and academia in shaping public opinion and policy.
She pointed out that many academic institutions and media outlets have received funding from Qatar and other sources with vested interests.
“When key institutions are financially dependent on foreign entities, it compromises their objectivity,” she warned.
“This funding influences the type of research conducted, the topics covered, and the narratives promoted.”
She called for greater transparency in funding sources and a critical examination of the potential biases introduced by such financial dependencies.
The Broader Implications
The Islamisation of London, as she described, is not an isolated phenomenon but part of a broader trend affecting many Western cities.

Wearing the Niqab in London. https://www.flickr.com/photos/kamshots/601948805/sizes/o/
She mentioned similar developments in cities like Paris and Brussels, where public prayers and other demonstrations of Islamic presence are becoming more common.
“What we see in London is part of a larger strategy that is being replicated in other major cities,” she explained. “The goal is to create enclaves of influence that can eventually challenge the existing social and political order.”
Ruth Wasserman Lande’s comprehensive briefing highlighted the intricate and multifaceted nature of the islamisation of London.
The public displays of religious practice, the strategic infiltration of key societal positions, and the support from countries like Qatar and Iran all contribute to this growing influence.
Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that includes education, law enforcement reform, and proactive political measures.
“We must recognize the seriousness of this threat and take concerted actions to protect our societies from the spread of radical Islamic ideologies,” she concluded.
“The challenges are significant, but with informed strategies and international cooperation, there is hope for a more stable and peaceful future.”
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