Home MORETRAVELDINING IN EUROPE 9 Most expensive foods in Europe lottery winners want to try

9 Most expensive foods in Europe lottery winners want to try

Whether it's a special tea, a special chocolate, or a spice that's in demand, there are expensive foods that lottery winners want to try. 

by gary cartwright

If you are a novice about the online lotteries work, before going into details about the nine most expensive foods in Europe, we will talk a bit about playing the lottery online.

How to play the lottery online?

Players are required to Sign in to take part in online lottery betting. If you do not have an account, you will need a new one. After choosing an online lottery provider, visit their secure site and Click Open Account.

You will be asked to complete a few fields with your personal information and address.

After you’ve created your account, you can begin playing any lottery you choose.

Now that we have a general idea about playing the lottery online, let’s move to our list of the most expensive foods in Europe that wealthy people can afford.

Top 9 expensive foods in Europe

9. Saffron (4500£ – 7000£)

It is a special spice that stands out because of its thread-like appearance and colour. We are talking about saffron. Iran is the largest supplier of this red spice. With 170 tons per year, about 91 per cent of the world’s harvest comes from the country in the Near East. The price per kilogram: is about 4,500£ to 7,000£ – depending on the dealer and the origin of the spice.

8. Ruby Roman grape (6600£ – 9700£)

In eighth place among the most expensive foods are the “Ruby Roman” grapes. These are grown exclusively in Ishikawa Prefecture in Japan. Each grape must weigh 20 grams, the premium class weighs even 30 grams. In July 2019, a bundle of 24 Ruby Roman grapes was sold at auction for 8600£. Price per kilo: 6600£ to 9700£.

7. Swallow’s Nests (7700£).

Swallow’s nests cost about 7700£ per kilogram. They are used in swallow’s nest soup, which is considered a delicacy in Asia. In traditional Chinese medicine, this soup is said to have healing powers. However, it takes some getting used to: the nests, which come from the bird species salangans, are largely made of the birds’ saliva.

6. Yubari king melon (7900£)

At around 7900£ per kilogram, the Yubari King melon is the sixth most expensive food in the world. It is grown in greenhouses in Yubari, a small town on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. In 2016, two pieces were auctioned for around 21,100£, corresponding to a price per kilo of around 7,900£. Similar to bluefin tuna, such a high price is offered at auctions for reasons of prestige.

5. Bluefin tuna (8500£)

In fifth place among the most expensive food items is bluefin tuna. At the beginning of 2019, the owner of a restaurant chain bought a Bluefin tuna weighing 278-kilogram at auction for the equivalent of 2,384,829.00£. That makes a price per kilo of around 8500£. However, the price only has a prestige effect and is only achieved at traditional auctions.

4. To’ak chocolate (10900£)

The fourth most expensive food in the world is sweet. The most expensive To’ak chocolate sells for about 618 euros, but it weighs only 50 grams. Accordingly, a kilo of this chocolate, which consists of 77 percent Ecuadorian cocoa, costs 10900£. Another ingredient that is responsible for the high price is a cocoa bean of the Nacional variety, which is only harvested in small quantities.

3. Almas caviar (19500£ – 26500£)

Caviar is generally one of the most expensive and exclusive foods. The most expensive roe is Almas caviar. This comes from particularly old beluga sturgeon. Since it is very rare, it is correspondingly expensive. Only 20 to 30 kilogrammes are available per year, which is why a kilo can cost 19500£ to 26500£.

2. Gold leaf (129000£)

A gold rush of a different kind has been going on for years in upscale cuisine. There, gold leaf adorns several dishes because consuming this precious metal is harmless to health. Again and again, many celebrities show pictures of dishes decorated with gold leaves on their social media. The price per kilo (flakes): 129000£.

1. Da hong pao tea (817000£)

The most expensive food in the world comes from China, Da Hong Pao tea. The tea from the mother plants, of which there is only a handful left, is not available for purchase. It is only given as a gift to state guests. At a rare auction in 2004, 16300£ were bid for 20 grams.



Image: By frank wouters from antwerpen, belgium – Flickr, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=710696≈ 

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