Home MOREBUSINESS & ECONOMY Looking After The Welfare Of Your Employees: Tips For Modern Business Owners

Looking After The Welfare Of Your Employees: Tips For Modern Business Owners

by asma

Making an effort to do all you can to take excellent care of your employees is vital for business owners today. Employees, rightly so, want to feel that you genuinely care as an employer for their welfare and development.

Under UK law, employers are responsible for the health and safety management of staff in their workplace, but there are many other things you can do to make sure you take proper care of your employees’ health and wellbeing. To learn more, carry on reading this guide we’ve come up with for modern business owners on looking after the welfare of your employees.

Provide Break Out Spaces In The Office.

Collaborative work on business projects can help to pool all the fantastic ideas from your dedicated staff into one place. Therefore, it’s a good idea for modern offices to have special break out spaces which facilitate interaction and collaboration amongst employees; this may include buying comfy sofas and chairs, interactive whiteboard technology, and sprucing the place up with relaxing décor. Working in break out rooms now and then will make it easier for your employees to feel calm and think with a clear mind. Putting measures in place such as providing break out spaces in the workplace where employees can feel more chilled out is an excellent idea for destressing your staff.

Take Monitoring Employees’ Physical And Mental Wellbeing Seriously.

In 2022, there is more awareness amongst employers and society regarding mental health issues. We now understand that looking after the mental wellbeing of your staff members is equally as important as monitoring their physical health. Sadly, work-related stress is one of the leading causes of staff absenteeism in the UK. So, make sure you do a good job of monitoring your employees’ stress levels at work.

Many businesses nowadays decide to employ therapists and mental health support services from trained professionals to enable their staff to open up in a safe space about any issues they may be going through. Demonstrating that you’re a compassionate, thoughtful employer who cares about the mental wellbeing of your employees should make staff in your organisation feel appreciated and valued. A happy workforce tends to be a more productive one, so constantly checking on the mental wellbeing of your team is also in your interests as a business outfit.

Offer Generous Employee Expenses and Benefits.

Thinking about how you can attract top talent to come and work for your business? Offering generous employee expenses and benefits displays that you truly care about the welfare of your employees. Paying to cover private medical insurance, transport, company cars and fuel costs, and generous secure pension schemes can entice the brightest minds to apply for your vacancies.

Getting on top of your HR admin tasks and monitoring your company expenses can sometimes seem a bit of a headache. Thankfully, in 2022, there is amazingly efficient all-in-one software technology that can help business owners and financial departments manage employee expenses. Read this piece by Payhawk to learn more about the benefits of expense management software.

Show Your Employees You Trust Them.

Part of looking after the welfare of your employees is demonstrating that you trust them and their judgement. Your staff will grow frustrated over time if you consistently appear reluctant to instil trust in them as an employer. Focussed, career-minded individuals embrace challenging tasks at work that come with a high amount of responsibility, since it makes them feel useful and like a real asset to their employers. Want to retain top talent working for you? Show your staff that you trust them fully.

Try Encouraging Staff To Lead A Healthy Social Life.

Sometimes your employees will need to take time to wind down from work and switch off, and many of us dearly missed face-to-face contact with others during the pandemic. Although some of your employees may be a little shyer and reserved than others, human beings are social creatures, and an excellent way to relax outside of the workplace is to lead a healthy, active social life. One idea to encourage your employees to bond and talk together outside the office is to organise fun-filled work social events. Some cool ideas for exciting work socials include paintballing, escape rooms, bowling, visiting lovely bars and restaurants with a great vibe, and city breaks as a team. You never know, some of your employees could become close friends through getting to know each other better at work social events you’ve organised.

Strive To Create A Positive Work Culture.

You must do your best as a responsible modern employer to create a positive professional culture in your company, regardless of the sector your business is operating. As a result, you must clamp down on any signs of workplace bullying or harassment and make it clear there’s no room for staff working for your business to exhibit such behaviours in the workplace. Be a hands-on owner who supports and praises team members for their hard work and performance.

These are some pointers for modern business owners on how you can look after the welfare of your employees. Remember that staff are the wheels that enable businesses to keep moving in the right direction.

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