Home SECURITY & DEFENCE New Wargaming and Analysis Software for Defence

New Wargaming and Analysis Software for Defence

Strategic Command’s Defence Modelling and Simulation Office acquires initial one year contract for Command Professional Edition.

by UK Government Press Office

UK Strategic Command’s Defence Modelling and Simulation Office (DMSO) has awarded a contract for the supply of Command Professional Edition (Command PE) new wargaming software for Defence users.

The software, developed by Matrix Pro Sims, is used for wargaming and analysis at the operational level. This new tool gives users in Defence the ability to test ideas and is particularly valuable for Strategic Command’s new Defence Experimentation and Wargaming Hub in Portsmouth.

EU Today

HMS Queen Elizabeth, as the centrepiece of a mixed NATO task group, steams towards a crisis area in the Eastern Med while its embarked airwing is being readied for operations. MOD Crown Copyright

Command PE allows users to simulate every air and naval engagement from post-World War II to the present day and beyond.

Working from a vast open-source database of military hardware and capabilities means simulations of even the most complex operations are realistic and accurate.

No two runs through the same scenario are the same, helping users understand the volatility and unpredictability of conflict.

Crucially, as an originally commercial game turned wargaming software package, Command PE is straightforward to learn and operate.

In addition to the maritime, land, and air domains, Command PE can model space assets in their known orbits, as well as cyber capabilities by incorporating the degradation or disablement of aspects such as communications or sensors.

This investment will help people across Defence with training, education, and analysis.

Command PE will also allow for greater integration with international partners, allowing for exchange of knowledge and ideas, and joint wargaming and analysis.

Story/Images: https://www.gov.uk/

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