Home POLITICS Prague: President Charles Michel lays out priorities ahead of European Council meetings on 6-7 October

Prague: President Charles Michel lays out priorities ahead of European Council meetings on 6-7 October

by asma

The war in Ukraine continues to rage. Regrettably the Kremlin has taken irresponsible escalatory steps: it has organised a national mobilisation campaign, sham coercive “referenda” and the illegal annexation of Ukraine’s territories, and it pursues its threatening rhetoric. In light of these developments, we must stand united and firm in our response.

President Charles Michel.

Highlighting the “dramatic impact” the war in Ukraine is having on the energy situation in Europe, Michel stated that the Council’s primary objective “is to ensure that we guarantee security of supply and affordable energy for our households and businesses, particularly as the winter cold approaches. We will assess the decisions already taken in this regard and give guidance on further action needed to ensure a well-coordinated European response.”

He spoke of the importance of supporting growth and jobs and protecting the vulnerable who suffer the most from high energy bills.

The energy situation, of course, cannot be viewed outside of the context of Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

“Regrettably the Kremlin has taken irresponsible escalatory steps: it has organised a national mobilisation campaign, sham coercive ‘referenda’ and the illegal annexation of Ukraine’s territories, and it pursues its threatening rhetoric.

“In light of these developments, we must stand united and firm in our response. Our solidarity with Ukraine and its people remains unwavering.”

He also referred the first meeting of the European Political Community on 6th October: although the purpose of this latest initiative is as yet unclear, it is being described variously as a “waiting room” for aspiring EU members, and as an instrument to enable debate between the EU, member states, and third countries.

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