Home POLITICS Israel’s Knesset calls on EU to “immediately desist from funding delegitimising organisations that promote antisemitic propaganda”

Israel’s Knesset calls on EU to “immediately desist from funding delegitimising organisations that promote antisemitic propaganda”

According to an op-ed by Jenny Aharon in the Jerusalem Post, the EU is "planning to help the Palestinians take over Area C," which comprises around 61% of the West Bank.

by gary cartwright

Area C is home to approximately 300,000 Palestinians, and 400,000 Israeli settlers. The international community considers the settlements in occupied territory to be illegal, and the United Nations has repeatedly upheld the view that Israel’s construction of settlements constitutes a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Ms. Aharon states that “while it has always claimed to maintain an evenhanded position based on law… According to a European Union leaked document, it is planning to help the Palestinians take over Area C while it has always claimed to maintain an evenhanded position based on law. What’s perceived as deception has led to a harsh response from Israel’s Knesset members.”

It is reported that a letter signed by 40 Knesset members was sent to EU leaders, reminding the EU of Europe’s past when it used to taunt Jews to “go to Palestine,” and now, in essence, claims that Jews are foreigners in their own homeland.

We “learned of an official policy document of the European Union, a document the gravity of which cannot be overstated, one that leaves no room for doubt as to the one-sidedness and animosity of the EU towards the State of Israel and the Jewish people,” the Knesset members wrote.

The letter continues to state that the leaked document “completely ignores our people’s historical affinity to our homeland and completely ignores the status of the State of Israel in Area C.” Furthermore, the letter points out that no nation turns its back on its own heritage and reminds the EU that we have not forgotten our history.

Finally, the letter ends by calling upon the EU to immediately cease its illegal construction, halt the damage being caused to heritage sites and the nature in Judea and Samaria, and immediately desist from funding delegitimising organisations that promote antisemitic propaganda, including Israeli organisations that serve EU interests.

Image: By צילום: איציק אדרי, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9405344

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