Home CULTURE U.S. Rappers throw their weight behind Ukrainian freedom fighters

U.S. Rappers throw their weight behind Ukrainian freedom fighters

by asma

Literally just a couple weeks after their Debut Album, Global Domination hit, Renegades Worldwide release a smoking hot single to help Ukraine and call out Vladmir Putin, on Fight Back. “If we are truly going to be a global hip hop crew to be taken seriously, we need to move fast and address issue like the Ukraine Russia conflict quickly and with precision.” Says executive producer Five 1 Hero.

If we are truly going to be a global hip hop crew to be taken seriously, we need to move fast and address issues like the Ukraine Russia conflict quickly and with precision.

The Five 1 Hero.

The track features three tier 1 Renegade rappers, King Marino from Atlanta Ga. Micwise, from Trinidad and Tobago, and Vas Angelov from Switzerland, in an explosive track attacking Vladimir Putin and the horrific atrocities the world is watching with the Russian-Ukraine conflict.

“We actually had a piano player from Ukraine that was going to appear for the piano solo on Memory of Memory before this all happened. He sent messages to cancel as he had to flee his country. I kept trying to pay him anyway, but he would not accept the payment. That tells you a little bit about the standard of ethics and strength the Ukrainians have as a people.” Adds Hero. “I don’t know where the money will go yet either as far as charities go, but I assure, you all track proceeds will benefit the displaced Ukrainians.”

To listen and download the track you can also visit these sites or anywhere music is streaming:

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/fight-back-feat-king-marino-micwise-vas-angelov-single/1617538921

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/music/player/albums/B09X4PDSNG?

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