Home CULTURE Venice Carnival 2023

Venice Carnival 2023

by gary cartwright

The carnival in Venice was first documented in 1296, with a proclamation by the Venetian Senate announcing a public festival the day before the start of Lent.

Image: Inna Chefranova, EU Today

Unquestionably one of the most well-known Carnival festivities in the world, the Carnival of Venice is said to be “rife with mystery, adventure, and conspiracy.”

The day traditionally served to break down barriers between people of different economic standings and religious beliefs.

During the Renaissance, masked comic performers performed in Venice’s piazzas. In 1979, the holiday reappeared to celebrate Venice’s history and culture. Today, about 3 million people travel to Venice to take part in the famous Festa Veneziana. This makes it the most important event in the city and the biggest carnival celebration in Italy.

Certainly the biggest draw for tourists is the tradition of wearing outlandish and flamboyant costumes reminiscent of Venice’s rich history.

Image, Inna Chefranova, EU Today

Competition is fierce, with many spending much of the year and many thousands of euros and many long hours preparing their costumes, and of course, their exquisite masks.

This year’s carnival took place from February 4th – 21st, and EU Today were on hand to record the events, so enjoy…. and more pictures will be added!

Image: Inna Chefranova, EU Today

Image, Inna Chefranova, EU Today


Image: Inna Chefranova, EU Today

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