Home SECURITY & DEFENCE Volodymyr Zelensky: “I believe that the Ukrainian flag and free life will return to Crimea again.”

Volodymyr Zelensky: “I believe that the Ukrainian flag and free life will return to Crimea again.”

by asma

On the anniversary of the detention of the first deputy chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Nariman Celâl (pictured below), by the occupiers in Crimea, a gentleman who committed no crime beyond that of annoying the Russian occupiers of his country – Ukraine – President Volodymyr Zelznsky issued the following statement.

“I believe that the Ukrainian flag and free life will return to Crimea again. We will liberate all our lands, all our people.

Nariman Celâl

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine, our intelligence, special services are already taking the necessary steps for this. These steps can be heard. And everyone can see that the occupiers have already started fleeing Crimea. This is the right choice for all of them. We will return freedom to Crimea, to all our people in Crimea, we will return freedom to qırımlılar and we will definitely make Crimea one of the best, most comfortable places in Europe. Crimea deserves it.”

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