Home MOREBUSINESS & ECONOMY Why Remote Working Remains A Popular Option For Businesses In 2022

Why Remote Working Remains A Popular Option For Businesses In 2022

by asma

Whilst businesses had to adapt during Covid-19, one thing did become clear; remote working is the future. It may not be possible for every business to use remote working and some businesses will benefit greatly from a hybrid working environment, but one thing is for sure, remote working remains a popular option for businesses in 2022. Below we explore this in more detail.


Many businesses are using remote working as it increases the flexibility of the business and the employees. Things such as working hours can be considered on a one-to-one basis, meaning busy parents or carers can still work around other important tasks, such as school runs. It also means your employees can choose where they want to work, whether this be a shared office space, from home, or at their local coffee shop.

If you require IT support for remote working, you can use a remote managed IT service, such as Geek-Guru. This can help your business to improve IT security, architecture, or support your IT team whilst they get to grips with remote working. Geek-Guru offers IT services across the UK and pride themselves on expertise and attention to detail, so your staff can carry on with their roles whilst you get remote IT support in Birmingham.

Better Employee Retention

Work-life balance is just one reason that your employees are more likely to stay with your business. In a world where the same job can be done from home, or with an hour commute in rush hour, employees are going to jump at the chance to work in the comfort of their own home. This means you should keep up with the latest working trends and offer remote working if you can.

Improved employee retention has numerous benefits for your business too, such as lowered onboarding costs, training time, and productivity. Instead of staff having to take the time to train new employees, they can be focused on their job roles.

Improved Work-Life Balance

With mental health being a big talking point, it is important as an employer that you do what you can for your employees to improve their work-life balance. For employees who do not have access to a car, most of their life may be spent either at work or travelling to work.

Creating a healthy work-life balance for your employees will improve retention, satisfaction, and will keep your employees motivated to produce first-class work. You can offer further support to your employees by using communication and time management tools, which help employees work productively from home.

Lowered Costs

Another reason that businesses are getting behind the work from home movement is that it reduces costs to business. If you own a business, things like renting an office space and paying for bills can be costly. Unless you have a large workforce and a profitable business, this may not be the best way to run your business. Working from home lowers the cost of workspaces.

Usually, employees have access to a computer or laptop, meaning there is no need to supply tech to employees. There are also other benefits to home working, such as fewer chances of illnesses spreading across the workplace. This can lower costs of employee sickness, which can be a detriment to your company if there is an important deadline or you have to outsource work.

Increased Productivity

Whilst you may think that working from home would lower productivity, it can limit a lot of office and workplace distractions. Many people work better from home, as they aren’t distracted by office noise and colleagues wanting to talk about what they did over the weekend. Although you shouldn’t discourage colleagues from taking a break when they need it, some colleagues can take this too far. This lowers productivity not just for them, but for those around them.

When you work from home you can control your environment easier, working in a different room from distractions or using noise-cancelling headphones to help you concentrate. Employees may be able to try flexible working hours too, so those who work better first thing in the morning can log in before anyone else.

Access To A Wider Range Of Talent

As a business, you want what is best for your business to grow, which means hiring the best employees for the job. Sometimes the talent you want to work with is not within travel distance to your office. Remote working means you can work with anyone across the UK, or even outside of it. This can bring new talent and skills into your company which can help you to grow and improve your business.

Remote working remains a popular option for businesses in 2022 as it can improve the flexibility of the business and employees, improve productivity, lower costs, and gives businesses access to a wider range of talent. When done correctly, remote working is beneficial for businesses and staff.

Image: By Hughblaisdell – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/…

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