Home MOREOPINION “Moses” Zelensky vs “Pharaoh” Putin, by Dmytro Belyansky

“Moses” Zelensky vs “Pharaoh” Putin, by Dmytro Belyansky

by Dmytro Belyansky

I’ve realised that our war isn’t a story about David and Goliath. This is a story about Moses and the Pharaoh. It’s true, we have a war of attrition – Volodymyr “Moses” Zelensky versus Vladimir “Pharaoh” Putin, writes Dmytro Belyansky.

Zelensky looks like Moses in his forties. He also needs some external help to deliver God’s mission. Probably, that’s why he also acts in tandem with Andriy “Aaron” Yermak, his chief of staff.

The real Moses was said to be “slow of speech and slow of tongue”. That was OK with the Lord, and our Zelensky does also speak with a hoarse voice.

Putin looks like “Pharaoh” at least on TV and for his own people, but upon closer scrutiny he resembles an Egyptian mummy, acts in a similar way to a Transylvanian vampire, and speaks as an ancient Chinese demon.

Only God the Lord is the same in this play. He’s playing cameo role again.

He still commands – “go, Moses, go!”

And he again hardened the Pharaoh’s heart – in order to multiply “signs and wonders”, which have become famous with the noun “plagues”.

Because, as it’s written, “by a mighty hand he will let them go”.

Moses’ people just wanted the Pharaoh to let them go. Ukrainian people simply want Russians to leave us alone in our own country. Technically it’s the same. And that was and that is the Lord’s will.

But the Lord also wished and wishes for something bigger here…

Exactly like the Pharaoh, Putin was continuously told by his advisors that it’s better for him to stop. Stop before the Final Plague, because it’s close.

It’s written “Pharaoh’s officials said to him, ‘How long shall this fellow be a snare to us? Let the people go, so that they may worship the Lord their God; do you not yet understand that Egypt is ruined?”.

But the Lord hardened the Pharaoh’s heart, so Egypt suffered – water turned to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock diseased, boils, thunder and hail, locucts, darkness and eventually death of the firstborn.

Similarly the Lord hardened Putin’s heart, so Russians suffered – sanctions, shame, cancelling, arrested assets, closed borders, numerous casualties on the battlefield and so on. But it’s just the begining.

How many plagues had happened before the Pharaoh decided to let those people go? How many plagues will happen in Russia before Putin decides to leave us alone?

We have a spoiler from the Holy Bible to predict the end of this war. The Pharaoh let those people go, so Russians someday will leave Ukrainians alone. But not yet. Not right now. Because the moral of the whole story about Moses is that no one would chose the war of attrition, if it wasn’t the Lord’s will.

The Pharaoh’s people faced plagues, which was avoidable, if God hadn’t hardened the Pharaoh’s heart. Moses’ people also suffered a lot and paid a huge price to be free. We don’t know the purpose why, we know only that it was the Lord’s will – it was done for some specific reason.

What did the Pharaoh do after he had let those people go?

It’s also written. “He had his chariot made ready, and took his army with him”. That was an attack after the peace agreement.

And even if Putin leaves Ukrainians alone, he will strike again. Again. Again. And again. Until the God’s will is done. Until the inglorious brand-new Red Army is sunk in the good old Red Sea!

Like Moses Zelensky tells Ukrainians exactly as it’s written “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still”. This has worked more than two and half years by now.

But exactly like Moses after exodus Zelensky will get his portion of brickbats and catcalls. Because people are people. And people in suffering are always people in suffering.

“What you have done to us?”, they shouted on Moses all the time.

They criticised him all the time, not only after escape and even after Passover, but during the battles.

They weren’t paying attention to the miracles. To the bread from Heaven. To the water from the Rock. They were eager to be given a simple solution. Do you remember their golden calf? So, yes, it will be hard to build real democracy in Ukraine. But that’s also God’s will.

You know, Moses wasn’t King David and moreover he was not King Solomon. He was in fact the wrong person for the mission, according to the standards of the day. But he managed it. And so does Zelensky. So they were blessed, both of them, because they were chosen.

Peace talks to stop Russian aggression in Ukraine look exactly like numerous conversations between Moses and the Pharaoh. You don’t let people go, you’ve got the plague from God. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Ten times. And there was the same result until the Pharaoh’s army was sunk in the Red Sea.

And that was the Lord’s will, as far as we know.

God works in mysterious ways, but he doesn’t have his own hands – that’s why every helping hand of every citizen of European Union and the United States is a hand of God.

You help us on his behalf. We still don’t know what would have happened, if the Pharaoh hadn’t lost his army in the Red Sea. All that ancient world might not exist. What if the Lord repeats this story right now, because he wants to stop the beginning of a new major war in Europe?

So let’s make a new Pharaoh to let these people go and stop the further aggression by destroying his possibilities to advance.

That’s a God’s recipe. That’s the Lord will.

It’s written – “The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live: when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt”.

We already have had so much blood here on our houses in Kyiv, even children’s blood from Okhmatdyt. Is it not a new Passover sign? Let’s find out by helping Lord to strike back.

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