Home MOREOPINION The West is Green, Pink, Red, by Dr. David A. Noebel

The West is Green, Pink, Red, by Dr. David A. Noebel

Chinese author Xi Van Fleet draws parallels between Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China and what’s unfolding in America today.

by David Noebel
David A. Noebel

I just finished reading Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning by Xi Van Fleet (published by Hachette Book Group, 2023). The author was born and raised in Communist China until she escaped to the US, writes Dr. David A. Noebel.

She was educated in China and was an active part of the Red Guard student movement under Mao Zedong. To put it mildly, she not only has an excellent understanding of Chinese communism, but American communism too. And she isn’t afraid to expose both!

Her telling question throughout the book is “Why is Communism not condemned in America and in the West in the same manner that Nazism was rebuked?”

The answer to her question is quite simple as Jesse Kelly points out in his book The Anti-Communist Manifesto. America has been swamped with Communist fellow travelers (liberals, socialists, progressives, leftists, greens, pinks, reds, do-gooders, etc. etc.) who defend, cover, twist, turn, interrupt for the Communists at every turn.

The New York Times (America’s newspaper of record) hasn’t missed a chance to defend the Reds for decades. These Communists defenders have implanted themselves in every American institution and Miss Van Fleet isn’t afraid to dig them out for all to see.

For example, she notes that the Communist Party USA was founded in 1919. But get this, More than a hundred years later, CPUSA is still in operation and growing.

In December 2021, Senator Richard Blumenthal attended the event to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party USA in Connecticut to offer his congratulations and present the awards. (p. 274)

Trust me, the Communist Party USA would not have invited the Senator to such an occasion unless they knew that he was a fellow traveler and a friend to their cause!

Throughout her book Miss Van Fleet compares the operations of the Red Chinese with the Red Americans.

It doesn’t take an IQ larger than a normal foot size to see the similarities.

For example, she has a whole chapter on “Destruction of the Family.”

How did Mao destroy the Chinese family and how are our leftists doing the same here. We can’t even define “woman.”

And “father” and “mother” are considered taboo. In fact, the LGBTQ+ family is “in” while heterosexual families are considered the enemy.

White, male, heterosexuals are the epitome of evil and must be vanquished from our families including the military.

Planned Parenthood is in while giving birth to normal babies is considered unscientific. Science today is cutting parts off boys and making them girls. She makes reading exciting again!

Her chapter on the “Destruction of Religion” is worth the price of the book (which may be ordered via Amazon).

How Mao brought Communist atheism to China is a study in itself. How American leftists, humanists, and reds seek to replace Christianity with the religion of WOKEISM is another study in itself. Hint, it has something to do with John Dewey and the Frankfurt School (hid at Columbia University). And the present- day DEI crowd.

Speaking of WOKEISM, hang your turban on this: “In 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)—the world’s largest Baptist denomination, the largest Protestant denomination, and the second largest Christian denomination in the United States, according to Wikipedia—passed what is known as Resolution 9, which affirms CRT [Critical Race Theory] and intersectionality [something to do with the Tower of Babel I believe] as analytical tools to understand multifaceted social dynamics [translation—proof that America is the worse nation in the history of the world]. By endorsing CRT, SBC sent a dangerous message to the Christian world and wider society.” (p. 233)

To take some heat off the SBC, Miss Van Fleet does mention that SBC pastor Voddie Baucham has written a book on CRT which he identifies as “cultural Marxism.” It would be interesting to know if his book is in the SBC bookstores! My guess is it probably isn’t. But then being a skeptic that I am it might be.

Really, there isn’t a page in this book that isn’t worth reading and digesting. The infiltration of America’s colleges and universities is right up there with reading Revelation 18 and the fall of Babylon the Great! Harvard and Yale have fallen! Ivy league has fallen! Colorado Springs two-year so-called colleges have fallen!

America’s educational experience is a study in treachery.

In closing let me say this about our author—“She now devotes her time and energy full-time to warning about the parallels between Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China and what’s unfolding in America today,” Let’s join her!

This article originally appeared in The Schwarz Report, and is republished here with their kind permission.

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